Card Crawl is a solitaire style Dungeon Crawler played
with a modified deck of standard cards.

Clear the Dungeon of 54 cards by using item-cards, slaying monsters and managing your limited inventory. Each run you can use 5 ability-cards (mini deck building) which will give you unique skills. By collecting gold you can unlock 35 ability-cards which enable new tactics and even better highscores.

Card Crawl’s several single player game modes are enhanced via Game-Center to compare scores and the associated decks created by each player. A typical game can be played within 2-3 minutes and is a perfect one more game experience while waiting in line or commuting.

"A brilliant distillation of the dungeon crawler, Card Crawl is well worth a look." - Pocketgamer
"Card Crawl is an enjoyable, casual card game that feels a touch like Diablo-meets-Solitaire." - 148Apps
"There’s something about a solitaire card game that really does it for me, and Card Crawl is one of the best I’ve played." - Pockettactics
"It's got great art, gameplay with cards that isn't like other card-based dungeon crawlers and is perfect for sitting back and relaxing while playing it." - Toucharcade
"Taken purely as a variation on Solitaire, Card Crawl is clever as heck, with a standout style and simple yet rewarding gameplay." - JayIsGames
"It’s a unique and interesting hybrid that plays out very well. If you love dungeon crawlers and card games like Hearthstone, then this is a no-brainer." - AppAdvice
"The most intriguing thing about Card Crawl is it's simplicity." - Macnn
"Card Crawl is an impressively solid card game that borrows what works from other games and spins it into it’s own, unique, game." - Gamezebo
"Card Crawl is really creative and unique game, in which strategy and luck is equally needed." - iPlayApps
"Card Crawl is a very polished card game with a high addiction factor." - AppGemeinde
"Card Crawl is easily suited for anybody who loves casual short game." - ModernJamming

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